When it comes to science fiction, Star Trek has always been a bit of an amoeba. It is most definitely a space opera, but one that is rooted in hard science fiction. That’s really always been part of the fun of Star Trek. While we know that a warp drive or replicators don’t really exist, the scientific theory is all there. It’s been a big part of what enabled Star Trek fans to imagine a brighter future and even inspired future astronauts and scientists like Samantha Cristoforetti, who paid homage to Captain Janeway on board the International Space Station.  These are the stories I have always loved to hear about Star Trek and it seems clear that Star Trek Discovery just doesn’t inspire that same passion that the franchise once was all about. It’s obvious that CBS doesn’t understand Star Trek and I could go on about the plot, the characters, or various other reasons they are turning the franchise into a joke. But it seems clear that beyond their misunderstanding of Star Trek, the writers don’t understand science fiction either.

If anyone writing on Star Trek Discovery had any appreciation for science fiction, they would at the very least, focus on getting the continuity right. It’s one thing to mess up the plot, characters, and feel of Star Trek as a whole. After all, their goal was to “update” Star Trek to reflect a modern day, mainstream audience. While I personally find the notion to be completely unnecessary and ridiculous, I can at least respect the idea. What I have absolutely no respect for however, is their complete lack of effort to ensure that the story and every other detail remained canon. If there is one thing that shows how little the writers and producers care about Gene Roddenberry’s original vision, it’s this. They didn’t even do the easy stuff, like make the technology of Discovery at least remotely conform to pre-Kirk era Star Trek. If any half talented science fiction writer had actually worked on the show, that would have been the first thing they did.

With the announcement of a new Picard series and a section 31 series planned, it’s clear that CBS desperately wants to revive Star Trek and return to its former glory. However, if their complete lack of dedication do Star Trek Discovery is any indication, they won’t succeed. It’s clear they have no vision for the franchise and can’t even bother to get writers who know how to write decent characters, much less decent science fiction that isn’t a slap in the face to everything that came before it. Star Trek Discovery season 2 will be no better and unfortunately, it doesn’t look like CBS is about to change their ways anytime soon. My money’s on seeing more “Star Trek” that continues to throw everything we love about Roddenberry’s Utopian vision in the garbage.

You can find my first article on Star Trek Discovery here.

Here’s a playlist full of Star Trek Discovery’s continuity issues

Watch the full playlist here!

  • I agree with your commentary. The thing reeks to garbage. At this point, diversity its just an excuse they are using to have the online media not point out the show simply sucks because “we need to stick together”.

    The problem with that train of thought is that you end up sticking together alone, without the fanbase. Many are already not watching the series, many more won’t even bother watching the Picard series. Not after what producers like the ones in charge of Discovery did to the Luke Skywalker character. They will simply “wait to hear if its a mess, and then they MIGHT take a peek”.

    My suspicion (and many have already voiced the same) is that the show writers room is as rigged as the Hugo awards. Only those who are friends with some producers can enter the room. That is why we are seeing this kind of trash happening again and again.

    Best is to look at what Asians are doing: their movies and series are actually more fun to watch nowadays. Their Sci-Fi is really out there, man. If you can, check what they are doing.

    But yeah, this one will end up right in the same trash can than Rick and Morty did. Once the writers room gets compromised, that’s it.

    • Yeah, everything I’ve heard about the writers for Star Trek is that they’re all going to be the same for the new series. Seeing how little they care out of the gate really tells you everything you need to know. I suspect they’ll do a better job with the Picard series, but I’m not confident they’ll actually make it worthwhile.

      • Amen! As a long time fan of everything Trek, issues can be found in all the series but I continue to find the stories compelling enough to watch. Discovery had a decent beginning but has become tediously painful to watch as I continue looking for that silver lining which never comes.

        Is it just me or do others have contempt for the superfluous melodrama. And, coming from the LGBTQ community I feel they are trying a little “too” hard to be inclusive.

        Truly, I don’t know if I have it in me to suffer through another season like Season 3. I am truly very tired of the character of Michael Burnham (Saviour of the universe) and feel bringing her back after she had fulfilled her destiny.

        I am doing my best here to refrain from rude comments because the actors are doing their very best to portray the characters as they are written. To the writers I will be less reserved and say I hope some of them find their true calling and are get that special call from daytime soaps with a huge bonus. Your talent is wasted on Discovery because I don’t believe I am alone in my contempt for what you are doing to the series.

        It’s okay to have characters who are a$$hol€s and to have characters die. Please, for G-d’a sake, don’t try turning them all to the “good side!” Please, please, please allow Burnham to rest in piece!

        I realize a lot of folks don’t care for Deep Space Nine but Marc Alaimo as Gul Dukat was evil and wonderfully so. Without him, the series would have been less interesting for me.

        Sorry, I went on a rant due to the pent up aggression I feel after finishing the final episode of Discover Season 3.

        In summary, I am begging them to kill a few characters (not Saru), end the melodrama and fire some writers. Get back to storylines that make sense, aren’t going 25 directions and more in keeping with what Gene Roddenberry envisioned.

        Thanks for listening. I am going to vomit now and see if I can forget what I just watched.


        • I didn’t get into deep space nine until I had watched TNG and Voyager about a million times. Then I started to fall in love with DS9. Quark and the ferengies are great etc. Annyyhhhoowww, I already know that Picard and the like are not for me. Picard turned out to be a political grifter too. All very sad. Star trek used to be about philosophy, society, etc. I dunno what it’s about now, but it looks awful.

          • I have another couple of great options I picked up from a couple of guys that got away with it.

            1. Your dog left diarrhea EVERYWHERE and you can’t make it in to work.
            2. You forgot to put your pants in the drier so you won’t be able to make it in…all day.

        • Mary, nope not alone. If at least Burnham was killed off, or left to rot on some planet millions of light years from anything in season 3, it could be digestible. Then, as the writers have been proceeding, the entire show would collapse. There is the problem. It’s become the Michael Burnham show, not Star Trek. Keep suffering episode after episode of season 3 because I feel it a duty since watching the premier of TOS. Plucky sidekicks are one thing, the in your face pressing of a multitude of “alternative” life choices another. With Burnham relegated to science officer, yet still commiting acts of treason at a command level, the show has lost all dignity, if I deed it was ever intended to have any. I’m going to choke if I hear her one more time mention “the burn” one more time.
          Beam me up Scotty, this series sucks.

          • Reviewing the comments to this article at first I was confused as to in what way do these comments apply to point of the article, then I realized the script for any Discovery episode could make any less sense if those lines were written within the script.

        • Spot on, Mary. Hard agree. This show blows balls. The moment I heard the trill character say she wanted to be referred to as “they,” I literally couldn’t watch another episode. The writer’s room is filled with nothing morons who care more about being a bunch of sanctimonious virtue signaling simps than they care about actually writing a good story or interesting characters…

  • I agree 100 percent.
    The show really does suck.
    Anaxar is so far above Discovery, no wonder they have tried to kill it.
    Just deep six it, CBS.
    Total failure.

  • I hate Star Trek Discovery. It is cynical, nihilistic soap opera, not space opera.
    It reminds me of the crappy serials from the 1950s, like Flash Gordon, but even
    that was better than Discovery. The writers have no love for the form. They are hacks
    I hope the whole project closes down. so another Star Trek can rise in the ashes.
    It is so terrible I will post more and more to air my view. They are still getting great PR
    and press – but what a great disappointment.

  • Whats wrong with STD? Besides the poor choice in naming conventions, a total disregard for the chain of command. At this point its hard to imagine how or why Starfleet even exists. Might as well throw in some X-Wings with a light show while the captain, chief and commander explore the semantics of science literature and Klingons sing of days of yore.


    • The actors have no gravitas, at least with these scripts. Picard is also insufferable. The characters in all the previous Treks had some dignity except the ones who were supposed to be clownish, like Neelix. And even he was given some episodes to shine.

      The OP has got it: once the writer’s room is a social club….. crickets.

  • Given how fans generally despise STD, I am confounded that they’re even still making it? God won’t it just die already?
    As for Picard, I loved to TNG almost as much as the original series… but why the hell am I going to waste my time on a show made by the same people responsible for Discovery? Get a clue CBS, is everyone at that Network a bunch of tards? Give us real Star Trek or go home.

    • I don’t know, but I think it’s fun to speculate, like many others do! My guesses as to why STD, Picard, Lower Decks, and now, Prodigy are being made despite poor fan reception, might be down to one or a few things. One might be that Paramount has no other well-known property or at least not one known as well in the modern zeitgeist. Another possibility is the first idea coupled with the fact that Star Trek was the big gamble to make All Access shine. I think they are hoping that the fan for some of these nuTreks will move over and pay for Paramount+. There’s also a notion that money has been spent, contracts are in force, and Kurtzman has an ironclad deal. Once so much momentum and money were leveraged toward this one property as their primary business plan for new content, they were stuck. What else do they have but Star Trek? CSI? That’s largely their offering. Trek is the only thing they have to offer for the younger audiences and CBS has a much older average audience. The problem is that Kurtzman is much like his mentor JJ Abrams. He gets his claws in deep, he sets it up, and doesn’t know how to steer the boat after it’s out in the water. And the fact is that Paramount+ is stuck. Trek was their evergreen property. It was a product that could target audiences under 65, including family’s and general audiences. But Les Moonves signed it away to a very low talent person who is motivated more by money and connections than by any sense of pride in his craft. And worse still is that he’s ideologically possessed and motivated not by Trek making money, but by Trek being a platform first and entertainment second, third, or fourth. And because Kurtzman and Secret Hideout get paid regardless, there is no profit motive on the product side. He isn’t tied to performance. So now their one and only golden goose is there trying to carry weight or nothing can. They have a contractual obligation to commit to so many series/seasons and they’ll look empty handed if they shut it down. I don’t even know if CBS-Paramount have the ability to step in and fire the predominantly former CW writers and put better people there. I bet Kurtzman has free reign until his contract reaches term.

  • Its what you get when you let no-talent arrogant SJW’s forcing their diseased philosophy onto a previously working idea. They did it with Star Wars, they did it to Marvel comics, they’re doing it to Marvel movies, and movies and TV in general and the idiots in charge are too frightened of “isms” and “phobias” they’re willing to lose their companies millions rather than make a stand against the harpies.
    Star Trek Discovery is a fine example of how to destroy a show. Atrocious writing, and a “star” who is frankly a nobody being portrayed as the most important, yet displays nothing of any interest. Who if she had to be on the show at all would have been best used as the character that gets killed off in first 5 minutes. I gather the video/blurays sales are a disaster too

    • Amen to this entire comment. I’ve been calling this Star Trek:SJW since it started. I’m all for inclusion, but this show is inclusion by exclusion. The total exclusion of straight, white male characters in the main cast. Not ONE. I gave up on this pile of dreck around the middle of season 3.

      • Spot on, Mary. Hard agree. This show blows balls. The moment I heard the trill character say she wanted to be referred to as “they,” I literally couldn’t watch another episode. The writer’s room is filled with nothing morons who care more about being a bunch of sanctimonious virtue signaling simps than they care about actually writing a good story or interesting characters…

  • This is the future, it is even worse. They mix Kung fu with robots and vulcans. Everything in the second season was to get to one point and it seems you just need a old chinese lady that the stunt knows kung fu instead of time travel and other nonsense.

  • yep. its over. Star Trek has finally met its demise. Although I thought STD couldn’t get worse, on come Picard. The final failure I thought…but wait here comes more STDs. whose watching this? I can’t stomach through an episode.
    Must be the same ppl watching the MSM today as watching this crude. Those imprisoned in some cubicle housing I assume. I’d have better things to do like shovel horse manure.

  • Thank you for posting this. I have been ranting these same thoughts. Disco does diversity well but that is all it does well. Star Trek has always been a thoughtful and intelligent exploration of human nature. Disco tries to add dystopian elements who ch clash badly. It is not Trek.

    • Honestly, it doesn’t even do diversity that well. Not because all the token pieces aren’t there, they got that. It’s just that they don’t know how to write humans as characters. So you have all the correct token pieces, but not the skill to develop them from token to human characters. You see women and poc’s can’t be flawed or deliberately evil anymore. They can’t make mistakes and grow. And several of them are barely characters at all. There are people about, they tick a box, but we don’t know their name, rank, or role. Three seasons in and who is the black young woman who is at navigation next to “Lisa Left Eye” (my nickname for the conn, because I don’t know her name). To make matters worse they chose a human to represent the transgender community and to be a Trill host. Humans can’t host a symbiote for long or they Star to die. Will River barely pulled it off in TNG and humans can’t change their actual gender so choosing a transgender from a human is anti-science. It’s anti-biology and as such it’s necessarily divisive for a show to try to capture .025% of the popylation and goes in reverse of a show that’s historically tried to represent science and humanism. And to add insult to that there’s no chemistry between the gays. I’m gay, and the relationship seems awkward even to me. The worse thing of all is that instead of it being an ensemble cast where beings of various races and creeds integrate and work together, the intersectional, critical race theory that possesses the writers has served to separate the characters into tribes. There’s literal segregation on Discovery. Blacks with blacks, LGBT with LGBT, women with women, and straight white men if they exist, are the security guards in the background. They stand around, do nothing, and say nothing. It’s totally regressive and ten steps back from what Trek accomplished since the 1960s. And that’s truly sad.

  • Summary: Diversity of skins,sexual orientations,gender,different bodies and nothing more

    I’m not star trek fan,I remember watching Voyager with my dad on Sunday night and it was fun,so I’m not having extra torture inflicted on me like hard core fans of franchise but i can sympathize with their pain watching everything their loved being ruined with this pc teen drama. I must ask- is being gay,trans or black all that is needed to make a show these days? Whats with that,it’s insulting to gays,blacks,trans etc to have an accent to that one so irrelevant characteristic people are born with not worked for. From what I understand and remember from watching Star Trek in past full spectrum rich diversity is what makes this franchise great (especially having it back in the day when this was considered so ahead of time) but diversity in this show feels poor,focused on sexual orientation or skin color,feels like its there just to show middle finger to evil white men (the only white guy there is so annoyingly pale and weak it’s hard to watch,they are forcing you to notice race doing things this way in my opinion) and that’s it.Where are the strong characters? Who cares as long as they are gay,black and trans that’s all we need. I would be pissed if I was LGBT looking at garbage that represents them these days. In season 3 we get trans(???) or something girls(???)/guys. I didn’t know at first they are trans I thought that girl with alien parasite is dating another girl and I was surprised when they called skinny one ”the boyfriend” but then I just dismissed thinking about it further since main chick is named Michael I rolled my eyes and went with it thinking maybe girls are guys in far future. Enough is said about Michael and her tilting head,crying,speeches,eyes that appear like they will pop out if she tilts just one more time,hair that in one year grows the length of mine in several years (and mine grows too fast) and bla bla bla. I’m not science person but I respect it and if sci fi show gives me reasonable theory like warp speed I can get it and go with it but someone please tell me more about these space mushrooms that blink the ship to far corners of the universe in a second…I don’t get it. Everything feels so unnatural and forced.I thought for a second I could like the engineer woman and her attitude but then that’s all the time non stop.So unreal. The only kinda wise and adult character is Saru and I like him. I even remembered his name.I remembered Tilly too but for being so annoying and again we are forced fed another woke garbage- body positive nonsense. I wouldn’t care for Tilly being big girl at all if she was strong,fun,interesting character but no,we will have none of that but on top of pushing body positivity lie they will put poop cream on top with rotten strawberry in form of her running some sort of marathon on ship. Kill me…. I think I give up on this one.I can’t even remember most of their names ehhh….

  • Star Trek Discovery has done one thing. It has replaced the actual diversity of the original series, with simple token-ism. I guess they don’t think we know the difference. The producers of this garbage obviously don’t.

    • You’re absolutely correct. The sad thing is that what will send gays like myself screaming back into the closet in either embarrassment, shame, or both won’t be an attack from conservatives or a Star Trek with diversity of opinion. It will be from the tokenism and shameless agenda pushed by our so called liberal allies. It makes us all look bad because what people will see on shows like Discovery are far from how real people are in actual life.

  • For me, this Star Trek series is the epitome of PC gone awry. OK, I get it, you have to make a series that reaches a broader audience. But a 90 lb. girl kicking a 230 lb. Klingon’s ass is way too pretentious for me and just plain silly. And have you noticed that the only white male with a lead role in the 2nd series is a gay man? The manly Captain Pike was summarily faded out and dismissed. Yes, and although he has earned the credentials, make room for an alien commander on the bridge.
    OK, to be fair, the CGI FX are pretty amazing and state of the art. Hats off to the graphics engineers. But the script…

    • What are you talking about my ‘person in a common demographic’`er; How does your list of non-white leads suddenly include a gay guy?–More importantly! Lets use this criteria, the last white lead was Kirk, the original! Because the man who played Picard is gay, but if we are talking about characters:

      Riker slept with litterally anything with a pulse, and yes that included men, m-a-n, men.

      Picard seemed aesexual.

      The people making the show were notoriously awful people, they actually made a pretty diverse show, so much so, that the audience clearly doesn’t even realize it.

  • I knew Discovery was going to be a bumpy ride when the theme music started….let’s face it; it sucks too. It doesn’t stir those feelings that ALL of the other series did. You won’t hear anyone memorizing it any time soon.
    Let’s move on to our heroine; I liked her on The Walking Dead. She wasn’t a huge main character but they made her death epic to the story. Maybe that’s why she was picked to head up this fiasco. Her acting is immature and too emotional, especially for a character who was raised on Vulcan. Perhaps the writers are trying to cater to teenagers who liked the insipid Twilight series. Anyway, someone should tell her to lose half of the facial expressions…that might help.
    So are all of the good writers who actually wrote or even watched previous series dead? Couldn’t they find someone from the Star Trek Universe who is more capable, knowledgeable and in step? Didn’t William Shatner even do some writing!? Is there no one available to help this sh** show?

  • It is so jaw-droppingly bad. I’m easily one of the biggest Trek fans around and it’s appalling what they done to this show and, worse, to the Star Trek universe as a whole. The worst story lines. The worst actors. They just pull sh*t out of their ass with zero plausibility. One of the things that has always made Trek interesting is the possibility that the future really could look like that – that we could use a transporter some day or a food replicator. Ummmm, I don’t think we’ll ever be traveling a mycelial network with tardigrade DNA. This was possibly the stupidest, most absurd story line of all time. It single-handedly degraded the entire narrative of the Star Trek universe. Granted, there have been stupid story lines in past trek series, but they are confined to an episode. We’ve had the drag this one along through two plus seasons. I can’t even deal with Michael’s whispering anymore. I certainly can’t watch another episode where they go on 5-minute diatribes about how great they all are before they do something. Remember in TNG and Voyager when they just DID stuff and didn’t have to talk about how much they loved each other before doing it? This series reeks of a bunch of talentless writers who know nothing about tech, space or Trek history just sitting in a room making up really dumb stuff for an even dumber audience. Problem is – the real Star Trek audience is way more sophisticated than that.
    PS. Did they seriously put a quote from Gene Roddenberry at the end of S3? He is turning over in his grave right now with this series.

  • Continuity was abandoned when that child J.J. Abrams started Directing the movies, as for Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci they should never ever have been allowed to dabble in theories like altered timeline/realities, I have never seen a Abrams directed, Kurtzman and Orci scripted Star Trek nor do I intend to, when you do not base your plot strictly on the original sequence of events you are merely trying to impress “CRAZIES,” definition of those afflicted with the symptoms of the “CRAZIES?,” that would be Liberals.

  • I wonder why hardly anyone in Hollywood gets that bigotry against white people and men is still bigotry. It’s ALL tremendously tiresome. The non-binary characters are unfortunately yawn-worthy in the way they’re treated as predictable paragons with cringey-sweetsey music overlaying their scenes as if they’re unable to access and express sufficient emotional octane on their own. The writers need to realize that they’re not doing diversity any favors until they stop trying to make gender and race THE story – don’t they get that we all have the same universal issues, like finding and defining our inner selves, meeting and dealing with adversity, becoming comfortable in our own skins, adapting to the changes that growing older and moving through life present? EVERYONE faces these issues. Everyone — straight, white, gay, female, male, non-binary, etc. Those are just the contexts from which we approach these issues.

    Recognizing that all people share these common threads and challenges no matter what body we happened to land in is the only way to achieve a truly equal, exterior-blind society – and Leftist Hollyweird repeatedly misses this point completely. Sometimes I wonder if that’s actually what they want at all. They seem very invested in blaming and demonizing anyone they consider a problem and lionizing others based on nothing more that gender, race, or sexual identification. Crazy.

  • As a long time Trek fan I felt the duty to force myself to watch all 3 seasons of STD. Woke politics aside, its a bad show, and not Star Trek. The main character might as well be a Marvel superhero, with zero Trek justification. If your going to make a Trek show that features a superhero at least ground it in cannon. Make Burnham half-Klingon, part Borg, a rouge Romulan, heck even 1/8-Q would have been better than a 90 pound Vulcan trained human woman who is basically an overemotional unstoppable superwoman with a winged cape.

    After 2 sub-par seasons, who thought the way to save the show was to basically kill off the Federation in season 3? Its like whoever wrote STD hates Star Trek, hates its positive future, hates its mature themes of diversity and unity and hates its hard Sci-Fi elements. SO they decided to crank the progressive features of Trek up to parody levels, kill off any trace of hard sci-fi, burn the positive future of a Federation of planets, and create an unlikable and unrealistic main character to seal the deal.

    • I just read your comment and was inspired to say that was incredible you nailed it… You missed out the homosexual crap everybody’s so suckered by being politically correct. But other than that you nailed the show perfectly. I try to like it but I can’t that’s why I’m here. The show is nothing but dark evil homosexual brainwashing anti-Star Trek. But anyway I loved your comment

  • I found your website because I was watching an episode of discovery and it was dark ugly violent homosexual… This is not Star Trek. Your article on Star Trek was really well done but I considered it politically correct. Myself on the other had I’m not. I do not personally tune in to watch Star Trek to see homosexuals having affairs… To be fair I don’t tune into Star Trek to see heterosexual have an affair as well. Star Trek is supposed to be to boldly go where no one has gone before a sci-fi adventure…I never thought it meant down the tubes into gay TV. So much for Star Trek. At its best their high-fiving on the bridge like children there is nothing here except what they wanted to shove down your throat a modern kids brainwashing homosexual soap opera…with special effects to lure… Could it get any worse yeah it could, but it’s already pretty darn low.

  • If I watch it as a comedy and predictable spoof of political correctness I can get a few laughs at the writers ,producers and actors. Its an ugly show from the looks of the characters to the writing to the creepy attempts to bring science into the plot none of which make any sense or continue the essence of its prdecessors.
    My lord its like Jen Psaki wrote a science fiction show. Give me the swashbuckling Kirk, the logical Spock the emotional Bones. Give me beautiful Alien girls whatever their color not some obese crew girl with a bad case of Acne and 2 gay guys French kissing. Give me an intriguing plot and solid characters that are likeable. The only reason its still on the air is the leftists at CBS are trying to send a message and the younger crowd watching this may not know how bad they butchered this franchise.
    So let the mediocrity continue from the network that butchered Sherlock Holmes they give us Star Blech Dystopia- a show that goes where no show went before -the toilet.

  • Show sucks big ones . A man should be captain not a girl…a well known actor maybe…..listen this show has become a leftist propaganda for woman to show men are not needed…all political B.S it’s all silly feminist

  • Nailed it! Thanks so much for the post and comments. I was just wondering if anyone else thought STD was crap like it so obviously is to me – and there you are at the top of google – “Why is Star Trek Discovery” so awful?” It is the standard Woke treatment of earlier beloved shows that deliberately tries to ruin them. “Anti-Star Trek” is more like it.
    I don’t know how anyone could sit thru 3 seasons of this. I had to fast-forward thru the last half of season 1, just to confirm how truly awful it was. No more for me.

  • Fuck Hollywood! Fuck the PC police! Fuck Democrats! Fuck all the institutions that support this diseased malformation that some still call an art.

    Why did it take me so long to realize?

    Hey Bill, hey Obama, hey Brandon…I want my vote back! Well, I didn’t vote for Brandon but I digress. I see now why your kind has to cheat. Your sick, your evil, your worthless and your dangerous. To hell with your lot. Don’t stand in my way.

    I hope others can relate to this, speak out, be heard. Don’t let the crazies tell you otherwise. They don’t matter. You do.

  • Fuck Hollywood! Fuck the PC police! Fuck Democrats! Fuck all the institutions that support this diseased malformation that some still call an art.

    Why did it take me so long to realize?

    Hey Bill, hey Obama, hey Brandon…I want my vote back! Well, I didn’t vote for Brandon but I digress. I see now why your kind has to cheat. Your sick, your evil, your worthless and your dangerous. To hell with your lot. Don’t stand in my way.

    I hope others can relate to this, speak out, be heard. Don’t let the crazies tell you otherwise. They don’t matter. You do.

  • I hate Discovery….I tried to watch it but it is just awful. The First season was so so, the second had Pike so that lifted that from poor and season 3 was the worst thing I have ever seen, Micheal Burnham has to be the worst character ever created. Season 3 was just about her and that is when I realized how terrible her character is. Section 31 would also be terrible. The mirror universe empress was terrible compared to the captain, very unfullfilling. Kurtzman has wrecked the Star Trek I love.

  • I hate Discovery….I tried to watch it but it is just awful. The First season was so so, the second had Pike so that lifted that from poor and season 3 was the worst thing I have ever seen, Micheal Burnham has to be the worst character ever created. Season 3 was just about her and that is when I realized how terrible her character is. Section 31 would also be terrible. The mirror universe empress was terrible compared to the captain, very unfullfilling. Kurtzman has wrecked the Star Trek I love.

  • I’ve been watching Star Trek since I would run in from playing to watch the original on our black and white TV.

    Discovery is great. It took awhile to get there, but starting with season 3 it has the spiritual feel of the original with wonderful quirky characters and a message.

    I’m so glad that the show found its way back. My wish is that they would redo the original with current technology/special effects.

  • I have wax mannequins of the worlds greatest leaders : GENGHIS KHAN, MAO ZEDONG, ADOLF HITLER. I call them leaders, but my wife calls them BUTCHERS!

  • I have wax mannequins of the worlds greatest leaders : GENGHIS KHAN, MAO ZEDONG, ADOLF HITLER. I call them leaders, but my wife calls them BUTCHERS!

  • Finally got around to starting season 4 of Star Trek: This Is Us, but I most certainly will not finish. This is unwatchable.

    Dripping with over-the-top emotional shlock, mired in sentimental stupidity‐Michael’s mom is a Ninja, and punctuated with cartoonish outbursts, this cast of incompetents are better suited as second-string extras to “Lower Decks”.

    Where are the professionals? Once Upon a Time, Star Fleet was depicted as an organization that would train people to venture out into space. These trained people, adults, with years of experience, could meet the rigors of their work with some degree of emotional intelligence. I can picture Gene Roddenberry directing Shatner & Nimoy, “Now remember, you’ve been trained to do this. You’re a professional and this is your job”.
    But not On Discovery. Now remember, says the director, “you’re clueless, you’ve never done this, and no one has ever spoken to you harshly. You’ve always been awarded for last place”.
    Forget the script that drives them to a successful conclusion, these characters, as people, are emotional fk-tards that in the real world couldn’t cross a city intersection without deep soul-searching and a confidence-boosting pep talk.

    There is absolutely nothing to aspire to in this show. The ship is populated by misfits and maladjusted teenagers. I don’t care about the special effects or the storylines. It’s the characters that matter. And this group makes me want to trade in 50 years of Star Trek fandom, swallow hard, and thank God for j.j. Abrams’ Kelvin timeline.

  • Finally got around to starting season 4 of Star Trek: This Is Us, but I most certainly will not finish. This is unwatchable.

    Dripping with over-the-top emotional shlock, mired in sentimental stupidity‐Michael’s mom is a Ninja, and punctuated with cartoonish outbursts, this cast of incompetents are better suited as second-string extras to “Lower Decks”.

    Where are the professionals? Once Upon a Time, Star Fleet was depicted as an organization that would train people to venture out into space. These trained people, adults, with years of experience, could meet the rigors of their work with some degree of emotional intelligence. I can picture Gene Roddenberry directing Shatner & Nimoy, “Now remember, you’ve been trained to do this. You’re a professional and this is your job”.
    But not On Discovery. Now remember, says the director, “you’re clueless, you’ve never done this, and no one has ever spoken to you harshly. You’ve always been awarded for last place”.
    Forget the script that drives them to a successful conclusion, these characters, as people, are emotional fk-tards that in the real world couldn’t cross a city intersection without deep soul-searching and a confidence-boosting pep talk.

    There is absolutely nothing to aspire to in this show. The ship is populated by misfits and maladjusted teenagers. I don’t care about the special effects or the storylines. It’s the characters that matter. And this group makes me want to trade in 50 years of Star Trek fandom, swallow hard, and thank God for j.j. Abrams’ Kelvin timeline.

  • I watched the first episode and decided I’d had plenty. I didn’t recongize this universe at all. There was nothing recognizable about it as “Star Trek” besides the name. The Orville was much more Star Trek than ST:D. I have been watching Strange New Worlds, and this seem more like they got their s#!t in order. I know Pike and co. were introduced late in ST:D’s run, and I read that “Michael Sue” got flushed into the future to be her awesome, amazing, diverse self (#StunningAndBrave), but I’ve disregarded that entirely. The tech seems like it’s an “updated” version of TOS tech, if they’d had the tech themselves to do the tech. If that makes sense. Ditto the design of the ship. I’ve never been a TOS fan, but I heard they focused on making TOS if Gene had had access to modern tech and techniques. The layout, the colors, the chair, but things like additional lighting, the giant screens all make it believable that it’s the same ship, same universe.

  • This is what happens when the show co-creator starts the day saying to the writers “I’m gay, so put that stuff in there and then add some other fluff around it”
    Here’s your new LGBTQ outsized over representation. Now on every show.

  • Absolute worthless garbage. Every episode, every character is a meme of virtue signalling of LGBTQ, minorities and perceived victims.

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